
Would you like more vegan friends in your life? Here's how

Do you want more vegan friends in your life? 

It can be difficult to meet like-minded people, especially if you don't live in a big city, feel judged at social gatherings for your diet, or feel the need to over-explain yourself to family or friends. 

Don’t worry, in this digital age, it’s never been easier to connect with people with similar interests. And we've got some great ideas for meeting like-minded plant-based friends and connecting over your similarities rather than your differences.

Get swiping!

Swiping right isn’t just reserved for dating apps. There are some excellent apps for meeting like-minded friends. Try Grazer created like ‘Tinder for Vegans,’ where there’s now an option to look for friends. Create a profile, highlight your favourite vegan spots, meals, and interests, and connect with people around you. Use it as an opportunity to go to local events near you or plan meetups for bigger events such as the Vegan Camp Out.

Another option is Bumble For Friends, where you can match with people through the friend version of Bumble. There’s an option for adding interests such as ‘Environmentalism,’ ‘Sustainability,’ and ‘Going Green.’ Many people add veganism to their profiles to stand out.

Post on social media!

Use social media as a tool. Whether it's Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, post about what you love and find your people. Whether it’s a post about your newest culinary triumphs or a visit to your favourite vegan café, use hashtags and tag restaurants, and it’ll open up opportunities for new vegan followers and friends.

Facebook groups, such as ‘Vegan Eats’ and ‘Vegan Food UK,’ have regular meet-ups and conversations. Search vegan and your city to find the best vegan restaurants and people nearby.

Two women taking a selfie together while blowing bubbles with their gum

Ben Weber/Unsplash 

Look into activism in your area

Vegans are passionate about more than just food. Engage with your ethical lifestyle by getting involved with animal rights activism and volunteering. Whether you’re supporting an animal sanctuary or working with an environmental organisation, you will meet people with the same values and perhaps even shared experiences. Find out what activism occurs in your area or nearest city and start important conversations.

Explore local events

Look for events in your city. There are amazing nights in cities around the UK, such as Vegan Nights which is London’s biggest plant-based food and lifestyle party, making it the perfect opportunity to meet new people. This is based in East London and hosts 40 stalls of plant-based street food at a vegan beer brewery. If you’re not in London, visit vegan or vegetarian restaurants or cafes in your area. Look for leaflets, pamphlets, and posters advertising upcoming events to find your crowd.

Explore Meetup; this website and app are fantastic platforms for discovering local events. There’s a vast array of gatherings, from picnics, vegan cooking workshops, crafting meetups, and ‘speed mating.’ You’ll be spoiled for choice.

If you're still in school, college, or university, there's likely a vegan or vegetarian society on your campus. This is the ideal place to meet other herbivores, exchange information about vegan-friendly cafés, and organise exciting events. Friendships formed over Meatless Mondays will last far beyond your academic career. 

After studying, it’s important to consider how your career fits into your overall lifestyle. Working for a socially conscious or charitable organisation can make it easier to meet eco-conscious and vegan individuals.

Face your fears, step outside your comfort zone, and you will be rewarded. The vegan community is welcoming, and you'll be able to bond over your love of plant-based food and compassion for animals. Allow new friendships to develop into vegan travel, camping, dinners, and deep friendships.

Why not plan a vegan trip to Liverpool or Lisbon with your new vegan friends? Matching plant-based tattoos? Or if that seems a bit much, how about bingeing some vegan shows?

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