
Food & Drink

Temple of Seitan

Where to eat in Camden: Top 5 vegan hotspots

Camden is one of our favourite places to visit in London and along with being a vibrant, wonderful place to socialise, it is now becoming popular as a vegan hotspot too. So where to eat in Camden? Well, with multiple stalls, restaurants and small markets nearby, there’s lots of vegan options to choose from. Here are five vegan hotspots in Camden that are great places to get an idea of just how versatile vegan food can be on the go in London.

Vegan Thai Food

Craving some noodles, rice, dumplings and fried tofu? Choose your base as noodles or rice, sauce, toppings and any extra sides such as steamed or fried dumplings. Vegan Thai Food allows you to enjoy all of the flavours you miss while still being cruelty free. They serve massive portions for just £8 a box, which is enough to last as two meals. 

Temple of Seitan

The company has clarified on their website that they are not a cult. If you love burgers, then Temple of Seitan is for you. They imitate the textures of what you would expect from a 100% British beef burger and have options for those who prefer ‘Chick’n’ as well. They don’t just taste good to us vegans, but it has a good reputation amongst non-vegans too, so this is an ideal place to introduce your non-vegan family and friends to cruelty-free food options. 


Mildreds have an endless array of dishes to choose from, inspired by countries all over the world. They also serve breakfast options and their desserts are phenomenal. They’ve managed to make a Crème brûlée, tiramisu and butterscotch pudding and what's more, somehow they’ve managed to pull it off too. Mildreds is definitely one to visit whilst in London.

Neat Burger

More vegan burgers! However, Neat Burger are the kind of burgers you would expect from Mcdonald’s or Burger King, except their entire company is vegan. They have a ‘Fish-no-fillet’, a classic hamburger and ‘chick’n’ burger options too. They are also eco-friendly and use ‘recyclable plastic-free packaging’ and the production process also works toward keeping their carbon footprint low with ‘vertical farming solutions’. Neat Burger is all about delivering that delicious fast food without harming the planet.

Vegan Planet 

Lastly, we have Vegan Planet. It’s vegan Chinese food. Those three words in the same sentence almost feel like a miracle. It can be hard to get vegan options at your local Chinese takeaway, not knowing exactly what’s vegan and what’s not, even with dishes that can appear to be. However, Vegan Planet has made it possible. The authentic taste of the dishes and unique details to their food, adds to the experience. It can be a little pricey, but it’s certainly worth every penny!

Camden has a host of wonderful vegan food and restaurants to visit. Which is your favourite vegan restaurant in Camden? If you’re visiting London check out must-try Pan Asian cuisine and best Afro Caribbean restaurants.

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