Vegan protestors holding placards and a large banner with ‘Animal Freedom’ spelt out on it during the National Animal Rights March 2023 in London



1000 vegans march through London for animal rights

The National Animal Rights March (NARM) was a fantastic success this year. Around 1000 vegans marched together for the animals on August 26th through London. There were several activist and campaigning groups present, and that’s the brilliant thing about the march: it brings together so many different people and organisations for a day of national action.  

Campaigners from Viva! and the Animal Justice Project marched alongside Vegan Runners UK, Animal Aid and the Hunt Saboteurs Association. Street outreach groups and many other smaller grassroots groups were present too. The event started at Marble Arch with the route passing through Trafalgar Square before finishing in Parliament Square for speeches.  


The speakers this year were diverse and each very passionate about the march and animal rights. First up was performer Katie White who sang a very powerful and emotive song to the crowd. This was followed by talks from Fran Vas, Sean Barrs (me), Aura Palmer, Mel Broughton and Wendy McGovern. The talks covered a range of topics and came from different levels of experience, but all expressed a need to unite and to continue with activism.

The crowd were very receptive and applauded the speakers and the NARM organising team loudly. If you missed the march and are interested in hearing the speeches, or if you simply want to hear them again, you can do so on NARM’s YouTube channel.

Large gathering of vegan protestors during the National Animal Rights March 2023 in London outside Parliament Square

Jaysee Costa

NARM 2024

Although this year’s march was an undeniable success, it was organised in a very short time frame. Before the pandemic, the march saw much bigger numbers; the organisers are very keen to grow it back to its former size and glory, uniting the vegan community with such an important national event. 

Next year’s march will be on the 7th of September and will follow a similar route. The early date release will give the organisers time to plan and allow the march to grow. This means next year’s march will be even bigger and better. So, make sure not to miss it! If you want to find out more details about NARM 2024 you can do so here on the event page. Alternatively, you can follow the march on Facebook and Instagram.

If you’re interested in learning more about activism in general then you can do so by reading our article on unique UK animal rights activism approaches.

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